First-Time Home Buyer orientations
Thinking about purchasing a first home but not sure where to begin?
Interested in learning about education and assistance that's available?
Join us for webinars that will get you started!
Hear from industry professionals what the different people involved in a real estate transaction do.
Learn about home buyer grants for down-payment and closing cost assistance, including the HomeFirst Grant, which was just increased to up to $100,000.
Get valuable advice on how to avoid costly mistakes in today's real estate market.
Choose the date that works best for you:
Tuesday, november 9 6:00 - 7:30pm register here.
These webinars are NOT the Homeownership Class and there is no Certificate of Completion issued for attending; however, if you complete our one-on-one counseling and take our 10-hour class, you will be issued a certificate to take to one of our bank partners, who may offer you a grant in addition to any grant for which you are eligible through us. Note: You MUST work with one of our bank partners. Your counselor will recommend these to you when you complete counseling and the class.
tenant rights & resources webinar
Register here
Other Upcoming Webinars
Landlord Training
If you're thinking about buying a multi-family home, THIS is HUD course your bank wants you to take!
Do you know NYC regulations?
Do you know fair housing and lease rules?
Do you know multi-unit property insurance?

Join us for an eye-opening two-hour class on the rules and regulations of being a NYC landlord.
$100 Fee Includes Certification for HUD Education Requirements
10% Discount for current owners ($90)
Pre-payment required.
Afternoon and evening courses available.
Thursday, November 4 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Enroll and pay here, and you will be sent a registration link and course materials.
Renter's Insurance: the least you should know

If you're like most people, you can't afford to lose everything to a fire, building leak, or other catastrophe. Join our free webinar to make sure you:
know what you're buying
make sure you're getting what you're paying for
don't overpay
No sales, just education!
Tuesday, NOVEMBER 9 3:00pm - 4:00pm Register here.

All first-time home buyers are also encouraged to take an upcoming Financial Fitness Workshop to learn about:
Setting financial goals, like purchasing a first home
Creating a budget and savings plan
Improving credit
Thursday, NOVEMBER 17 6:00pm - 7:30pm Register here.
Flood Insurance: Do You Need It? will you?

If you live in an apartment on the ground floor of a building in a high-risk flood zone, you should also have flood insurance. Also, if you're considering purchasing a home within a mile of water, you should also have flood insurance. Join us for a free webinar to learn more and to find out where you live or where you're considering buying a property is in a flood zone. No sales, just education!
thursday, november 4 12:00pm-1:00pm Register here.
#homefirst #downpayment #closingcosts #hombuyer #class #course #nonprofit #hud #insurance #financialeducation #financialliteracy #financial #credit #creditimprovement #budget #debt #creditreport #credithistory #help #nonprofit #nhs #nhsbrooklyn #brooklyn #nyc #flood #assistance #renters #renter #tenant #landlord #landlordtraining #course #class #ehome #ehomeamerica #homebuying #realestate #firsthome